Possible Problems and Solutions
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Possible Problems and Solutions
Why my files are not recognized properly
The file names should avoid using special symbols, spaces and other hard-to-recognize characters. Use pure English names as much as possible. The file extensions should be all lowercase.
Why my audio files are not played properly
On Apple's Safari browser, ogg files are not supported. You need to convert the file format, for example, to mp3.
Why the exported web page cannot be opened
Due to browser security policy, you cannot open a local web page from a file. You need to use a http server, deploy WebGAL by the same way as deploying a website. Common choices are: Nginx, Apache http server, VS Code Live Server extension, Python http server.
Why the visual editor flashes and disappears on Windows 7
This is because the version of node.js is higher than the highest version supported by Windows 7. Please refer to How to use the visual editor on Windows 7 to solve the problem.